Our amethyst teardrop pendulum from India makes a unique divination tool when combined with stone beads that correspond to each of the 7 chakras. This pendulum can also be worn separately as a bracelet and pendant!
Beautiful and useful too! Pendulums are used much the same way as applied kinesiology or muscle testing to help determine the answer to a question.
Amethyst is the purple variety of quartz crystal composed of silicon dioxide with traces of iron.
As a healing stone it is said to be helpful in ridding nightmares. Just hold the Amethyst crystal on the forehead for a minute and ask it to guide you through a peaceful sleep, then place it under your pillow. Also helpful to calm an overworked and over stressed mind. It is thought to dispel negativity and create a peaceful environment.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel. It refers to the energy centers found in the body. Most Eastern traditions describe seven major Chakras positioned along the midline of the body from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
Approx. 38 - 50 mm height, plus chain.